Lucy Nation - Country President Australia & Vice President Hydrogen, Australia and Asia Pacific - bp

Lucy Nation

Country President Australia & Vice President Hydrogen, Australia and Asia Pacific

Panelist at:

  • Session 1: Mega Projects in APAC Driving Supply & Demand of Hydrogen

Lucy Nation is a global energy executive who was appointed bp’s Country President Australia in July 2024, in addition to her role as Vice President Hydrogen, Australia and Asia Pacific.

Her diverse experience spans senior roles in supply and trading, finance, operations, process safety, terminals and low carbon energy in Australia, US, UK, Europe and Singapore.

Lucy currently leads bp’s renewable hydrogen and energy portfolio, including H2Kwinana at the Kwinana Energy Hub, Project GERI in WA’s Mid-West and the Australian Renewable Energy Hub (AREH) in the Pilbara.

Prior to this, she held several regional AsPac leadership roles, including Vice President Midstream, wholesale marketing and terminals and CFO for regional downstream businesses.

Lucy serves as director on the boards of the Australian Hydrogen Council and bp Australia. She is also a member of the Curtin Institute for Energy Transition Advisory Board. She holds a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering, a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

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