Grace Quan - President & CEO - Hydrogen In Motion Inc. (H2M)

Grace Quan

President & CEO
Hydrogen In Motion Inc. (H2M)

As the CEO of Hydrogen In Motion Inc. (H2M), Grace brings fiduciary accountability to the table with her CPA/CMA and MBA credentials.  Grace has a vast range of financial and managerial experience in private and public sectors from managing a Flying School, to working in a Provincial Minister’s office, to helping to manage the $250 billion dollar budget for the Treasury Board Secretariat of the Government of Canada.

Grace’s 10 year career in the federal government also includes working in foreign aid at the Canadian International Development Agency and in the Foreign (DFAIT), departments which have been combined to become the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development.  This varied experience gives Grace an insider understanding of the functioning of business and government.

In 2018 Grace Quan, CEO was recognized by BC Business magazine as one of the 50 Most Influential Women In STEM.

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