Dr Vicky Au is Director of Decarbonisation for the Asia Pacific region at Wood, a global consulting and engineering company. In this role, she connects people, technologies, and solutions to help organisations in the energy and materials markets to decarbonise and reach emissions reduction goals. Vicky has two decades of experience in the innovation ecosystem. This includes the CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, where as Deputy Leader of the Hydrogen Industry Mission she led the delivery of several major partnerships and reports informing and supporting national and state-level hydrogen, net zero and energy transition strategies and international collaborations. Prior to that, she led the development and expansion of business advisory practices in innovation, R&D and technology in diverse markets for a major professional services firm. Vicky has a PhD in Physical Sciences and Engineering from the ANU, is a graduate of Harvard Business School’s alternative to an executive MBA program and is qualified as a CPA.

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