Dr Natalie Curach is co-founder and chair of HydGene Renewables. Natalie has been at the forefront of the growth of Synthetic Biology in Australia. Natalie co-authored the Australian Government’s Synthetic Biology infrastructure investment plan and was instrumental for the creation of the Australian Research Council’s Centre of Excellence in Synthetic Biology. Natalie’s leadership roles have spanned the innovation ecosystem for the translation of deep technologies. She led the operations for Boston based Ginkgo Bioworks in Australia, was Chief Scientific Officer at Eden Brew, President of the Synthetic Biology Australasia Association and Co-Chaired the Global Biofoundry Alliance. Currently, Natalie also serves on the Entrepreneurship and Translation Committee of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Plants for Space and on the University of Queensland’s Biosustainability Hub Steering Committee. Natalie has been invited to present at numerous international meetings and is well published in peer review journals and thought leadership papers such as for the World Economic Forum. She conducted her PhD on recombinant protein production, has a Graduate Diploma in Business Management and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

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