Dr Ankit Sachan - Hydrogen Analyst - S&P Global Platts

Dr Ankit Sachan

Hydrogen Analyst
S&P Global Platts

Dr. Ankit is a Hydrogen Analyst at S&P Global Platts in Singapore. Hydrogen Analytics is a part of the Energy Transition and Platts Future Energy Analytics group. His responsibilities include developing regional hydrogen forecasts, price analysis, and providing analytics and insights to clients in the Asia-Pacific Region.


Before joining S&P Global, Ankit worked as a Research Fellow at Energy Studies Institute (ESI), a think tank working on the areas of Energy Economics, Security, and the Environment. In that role, he provided energy research and analyses primarily focusing on long-term energy transition and decarbonization of Singapore and the ASEAN region.


Ankit holds a Ph.D. degree from NUS along with a bachelor and master’s degrees from IIT Kanpur.

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