Damien Walker - Chief Executive of the Department of the Premier & Cabinet - Government of South Australia

Damien Walker

Chief Executive of the Department of the Premier & Cabinet
Government of South Australia

Panelist at:

  • Session 5: Optimising Hydrogen Infrastructure to Enable the Emerging Industry

Damien Walker was appointed Chief Executive of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet in April 2022. In this role, he oversees whole-of-government policy coordination and development, including in relation to South Australia’s efforts to position itself as a world-leader in hydrogen and renewables.

Damien is an experienced senior executive who has a broad background in strategic planning, industry development and public policy.

He was previously Director-General of the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning, in the Queensland Government, after having held several other senior positions within the Queensland public service.

Across his various roles, Damien has been responsible for driving economic growth and jobs creation, and planning for and facilitating hydrogen projects in Gladstone and Townsville, including the Fortescue Future Industries electrolyser manufacturing facility and the Gladstone Hydrogen Hub.

His prior background includes senior executive roles in the South Australian Government in infrastructure planning and delivery, investment facilitation, contract management and reform implementation, including working on the construction of the new Royal Adelaide Hospital, the Glenside campus redevelopment and the SAHMRI building.

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