Yuko has over a decade experience working with Kawasaki Heavy Industries, a Japanese multinational corporation primarily known for its...
Catherine Zerger is the Branch Head, Hydrogen Strategy in the Department of Climate Change, Energy the Environment and Water....
Markus Thewes joined the Ship Manager and Maritime Service Provider NSB Niederelbe Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG in 2007....
Kapil is presently leading Green Hydrogen development at New Energy Initiatives of Welspun Group. He is responsible for developing...
Andrew Kingsmill is Executive Director, Technical Advisory Services. Andrew is responsible for the NSW Network Infrastructure Strategy, REZ network...
Florence Lindhaus is leading the energy cluster and the German-Australian Hydrogen Alliance at the German-Australian Chamber of Industry and...
Simon Allison is the APAC Regional Director for Xodus, a leading global energy consultancy. He is a chartered chemical...
Paul’s responsibilities at Orica as the Vice President Corporate Affairs, Sustainability, Government and Property, are broad and diverse and...
Dean is CWP Global’s Chief of External Affairs & Government Relations, focused on the political, legal and commercial stakeholder...
Manuel is the Manager Clean Energy Programs at the NSW Office of Energy and Climate Change and heads up...
In Partnership with
Supported by
Diamond Sponsor
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Schneider Electric
Government of Western Australia
Siemens Energy
NSW Government
Low Emission Technology Australia
Government of South Australia
Technip Energies
Electric Hydrogen