Alexander Tancock 2020 cropped

People are no longer asking about IF but WHEN


SEC are pleased to announce the participation of InterContinental Energy as sponsors of the 1st Annual Asia Pacific Hydrogen Summit. Take a look at our sponsor spotlight below, where Managing Director Alex Tancock gives us a preview of what he’ll be sharing with us at the Summit.


SEC: What are your industry expectations for the short/long term?
ALEX TANCOCK: In the short term we expect green hydrogen demand to begin growing rapidly towards the end of this decade, with demand then growing continuously for the foreseeable future. Just as solar and wind power prices became competitive more rapidly than many expected, so we expect green hydrogen powered by such low priced renewables to also become competitive in a faster time frame than many currently expect.

SEC: What do you think needs prioritising for a quicker Hydrogen deployment ?
AT: It feels like hydrogen has reached an inflection point in 2020. People are no longer asking about if, but when. As a result, the full weight of industry and policy makers is now turning towards the plethora of aspects that need to be tackled. It is hard to single out everything that needs to be prioritised, but in terms of supply at least, we have some confidence that the volumes and prices required are deliverable.

SEC: How is your company contributing to the APAC hydrogen economy?
AT: As the largest green hydrogen developer in the APAC region, we are showing the scale of projects that can be developed, which gives confidence to the market that large and affordable supplies will be available. This removes a major uncertainty, and can help underpin longer term and accelerated planning.

“We’re delighted to sponsor the 1st Annual Asia-Pacific Hydrogen Summit, where we will be sharing our experience developing oil and gas scale green hydrogen projects. We look forward to fruitful discussions with potential partners to drive the industry forward.”

Join InterContinental Energy at the Virtual Summit in November and continue the conversation on the future of Hydrogen in the region.

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